The Clifford Association


Stephen Clifford is the Chairman. For general, NOT genealogical or membership, enquiries about the association contact Stephen

Stephen also maintains the association's Facebook Group, and since we do not allow anyone except members of the Association to join this group, members who request to join the group should contact Stephen to say they have done so.

Jackie Tench is the Genealogist. For genealogical queries or to provide genealogical information about your family contact Jackie

Nat Clifford is the Deputy Chairman & North America Representative. Contact Nat

John Clifford is treasurer and membership secretary. Contact John

If you are considering joining the Clifford Association download the Application Form which has details about the association which include the yearly subscription rate.

When the file has opened save it on your system by clicking on the Save symbol on the pdf menu. (Do not use the Save option on the Browser menu.)

If you have not used PDF files before then you need to download the free PDF reader software  which will allow you to read the files.

Keith Dennis is the Newsletter editor. Contact Keith if you have an article which you would like to publish in the newsletter.

Jackie Tench is the Webmaster. For queries about the web site contact Jackie

Last Updated 5 Feb 2025 Jackie Tench